Yarra Yering

A new beginning

Having completed his degree in horticulture at Victoria University in Wellington New Zealand, he worked for a time as a scientific consultant to the New Zealand Department of Agriculture.

He took a second degree, this time in winemaking at Roseworthy Agricultural College in South Australia, where he also taught for some time before moving on to complete his Doctor of Philosophy for research into plant physiology at Queens College, Oxford University in 1965.

A residential college at Queens now carries the name “Carrodus Quad” in his honour.


Inspired by the elegance and sophistication of the wines he encountered at Oxford, Dr. Carrodus embarked on a study tour of the vineyards and wineries of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy before taking up a position at Melbourne University and beginning the search for a vineyard site on which to produce wine in the style he had grown to love.

The first vintage

Legend has it that for the next few years his students in the botany department made many field trips into Victoria’s Yarra Yalley studying its flora, topography and soils. He found his perfect site at the foot of the Warramate Hills and in 1969 began planting.

The gentle slope with its northerly aspect and deep grey silty loam shot through with bands of gravel fulfilled all of his requirements. Good drainage, all day exposure to the warm sun, and enough elevation from the valley floor to avoid the spring frosts.

He named his vineyard Yarra Yering and in 1973 produced his first vintage of Dry Red Wine No. 1, a Bordeaux inspired blend and Dry Red Wine No. 2, a northern Rhone blend.

The future

Yarra Yering quickly gained an international reputation for quality and individuality and for the next 35 years Dr Carrodus made his wines to great critical and commercial success.

Dr Carrodus died at home in September 2008 and the vineyard was subsequently sold to two businessman, both passionate Yarra Yering fans. They have continued to operate this iconic vineyard with the same philosophy.

Yarra Yering Magnum's now available.
For more information please email sales@simplywines.net.au

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